- Country: Japan / USA / Finland / France
- Director: Ema Ryan Yamazaki
- Runtime: 99:00
- Section: Documentary
- Film Completion Date: 2023
Intimately following 1st and 6th graders at a public elementary school in Setagaya, Tokyo, we observe kids learning the traits necessary to become part of Japanese society.
Director Biography – Ema Ryan Yamazaki
Ema Ryan Yamazaki is a Japanese/British documentary filmmaker based in Tokyo, with roots in New York. With a unique perspective as an insider and outsider in Japan, Ema strives to tell stories that empathetically show human struggle and triumph.
Her third feature documentary, THE MAKING OF A JAPANESE, premiered at the Tokyo International Film Festival in 2023 and is currently playing at festivals around the world, with the theatrical release set in Japan for December 2024.
Her previous work include KOSHIEN: JAPAN’S FIELD OF DREAMS (2019) and MONKEY BUSINESS: THE ADVENTURES OF CURIOUS GEORGE’S CREATORS (2017). For further information: https://shogakko-film.com/
Screen Schedule
2024.11.02 (Saturday) at 17:50 at 56 Seats, 109 Cinemas for the age 10+
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